Our Mission
To inspire, through science and education, a passion for nature, the protection of natural diversity, the fostering of health and leadership to a sustainable future.
About the Cleveland Museum of Natural History
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, incorporated in 1920, is one of the finest institutions of its kind in North America. It is noted for its collections, research, educational programs and exhibits. The collections encompass more than 5 million artifacts and specimens, and research of global significance focuses on 11 natural science disciplines. The Museum conserves biological diversity through the protection of more than 7,500 acres of natural areas. It promotes health education with local programs and distance learning that extends across the globe. Its GreenCityBlueLake Institute is a center of thought and practice for the design of green and sustainable cities. www.cmnh.org
The Centennial Campaign
As we approach our centennial in 2020, we do so with experienced leadership, a strong endowment and balanced budgets. To build upon this strong foundation, we recognize the need for a facility that enables us to fulfill our commitment to science education, research and conservation. Our Centennial Campaign transforms the Museum itself. We are redefining the role institutions like ours play in science education and increasing scientific literacy. At a time when States lags in basic understanding of science and people’s connections with nature have decreased, a new presentation of the Museum’s world-renowned collections and research can dramatically improve science and nature education in Northeast Ohio.